New Housing Development – Peakhurst

New Housing Development – Peakhurst


McIntosh & Phelps

Project architect

William Phelps


Lawrence Street, Peakhurst


NSW Land and Housing Corporation

Project staus

Under construction

The project involves the construction of a 3-storey apartment building comprising:

  • 12 affordable housing dwellings (2 x 1 bedroom; 10 x 2 bedroom)
  • lower ground floor accommodating undercover parking and ancillary spaces
  • associated landscaped areas

The proposal responds to its natural and built context in a number of ways:

  • The roof pitch mirrors that of the ground plane, helping the building to sit comfortably within its topographical context.
  • The facade composition balances vertical and horizontal elements which are expressed and modulated in simple, subtle ways, such as the articulation of vertical planes. This approach is further enhanced by the application of a variety of surface finishes such as face brick and prefinished cladding panels.

75% of the units provided enjoy mid-winter solar access for at least 2 hours, while all units benefit from cross-ventilation.

McIntosh & Phelps and their consultant team were engaged for design services up to and including the development consent stage.